Kristian Taylor
Age: 16
Birthday: July 13, 1993
Sites Owned:

Hobbies: Karate, Speed Stacks, Odyssey of the Mind, other stuff :P
I like: Drawing, Making Graphics, Anime, Naruto, Foxes
I Dislike: Arrogant/snobby people, rudeness, those plastic shoes with holes in them (crocks).
Favorite Colors: Orange, Blue, light green, brown, some pink colors
Cherrie-Delights opend since: May 14th, 2007

Age: 17
Birthday: May 18, 1993
Sites Owned:

I like: animals, graphics, coding, chocolate, coffee, computers, music
I Dislike: Spiders, black licorice, idiots, insanely rude people, scammers, liars, when my compy has issues
Favorite Colors: Blue, green, pink, purple, white

About the Site
Site: Cherrie-Delights RD (
Opened: May 14th, 2007
RD: The new part added to the title, "RD", means Re-Designed. I added it on because I had been on a really long hiatus, and when I came back the site was dead and in need of a total re-design.